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Article Title: George Beverly Shea 1909-2013
Author of reported comment: Colin Elliott
Comment Date: 22:06 on Apr 18 2013
Comment: It was my great joy and privilege to record Mr Shea in 2010 for a duets album of old hymns by George Hamilton IV. At 101 his voice was sweet and mellow and was one of the highlights of the album. In 2011 I was in America for the album's release and I had the honour of being invited to Mr Shea's home. As we pulled up to his house, Mr Shea was sitting on his back porch. Knowing that I was from Northern Ireland, he broke into a rendition of 'Danny Boy' as I got out of the car. He was a lovely gentleman and we sang and talked together for a couple of hours. This was one of the most wonderful meetings of my life and something I will cherish forever. A great ambassador for Christ and a very humble man with a mighty talent. My prayers are with Karlene and Mr Shea's family. Until we meet again.
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