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Article Title: Pat Boone Sings The New Songs Of The Jesus People
Author of reported comment: Elizabeth Chan
Comment Date: 04:22 on Nov 4 2012
Comment: My 8-track of " If My People" was damaged by heat, in glove compartment. Most stayed intact,in spiteof.You came to a prayer group, in Lancaster, Pa. 38 years ago. It was called " The Light".I bought my tape then Over the years, I let a few people listen to a copy I had transferred to a cassette. The effect on their lives was remarkable. When I am overwhelmed, I listen to it and my spirit is renewed. I feel that if you would do that recording again and make it available ,I think it would do more for our citizenry Than any or possibly the elected officials put together. In the 60's and 70's, threre was a great outpouring of The Holy Spirit, throughout our land and the world,in general. Will you consider doing it again? From a sister-in- His Love, Betty Chan
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