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Article Title: Rev Robert Wilkins: The gospel blues legend covered by the Rolling Stones
Author of reported comment: Dr Keith Scoffham
Comment Date: 01:23 on Mar 17 2012
Comment: Not very often I am invited to be a 'first footer' (that's a Geordie expression for the first person to enter a house on New Year's morning) on anything. I'm playing the Yazoo CD 1077 as I am writing. Not played it for many years and what has made me play it now? What has made me come on the internet and find this article? But it's a haunting CD especially 'That's no way to get along' - if you have ever lost the woman of your dreams then you will get a strange feeling playing this CD. Wow the music is so simple but so deep. His voice is so placid but so cutting. His lyrics are so simple but so meaningful. His guitar style appears so basic but is keeps you on the beat and compliments his voice so much. So where would he have played to earn a living - on the streets? Who would have stopped and listened? Would he have played in the juke joints? Doubtful as his music was not always for dancing and general good time although 'Old Jim Canan's' is very danceable - especially when he was going up town for 'coke and beer' - assume the coke was the drink variety? But don't think so!! Once you have played this CD or a compilation of his pre-war music you will be hooked and it will sit in the back of your psyche and like me one night you will play his music and it will all come flooding back. Just great!!
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