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Article Title: Allegiance
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 17:33 on Feb 13 2012
Comment: By mid March of 1994, a new collection of songs by Ray fills the shelves worldwide.The very first time I became familiar with any songs on this cd were 2 videos televised on TBN. "I Pledge Allegiance To The LAMB" & "I Will Tell The World"; great ccm! These videos made great impact! I had seen a live concert years later, and the song "The Anchor Holds" grabbed my listening ears. "I Go To The River" is the cd starter, and a good choice at that. "Gospel of Grace" closes the songset, I like this song, except for the reference of GOD's grace as "she": "His grace is sufficient". The cd title "Allegiance" conveys loyalty and devotion to JESUS. "I will seek to honor His commands" a line in "I Pledge Allegiance To The LAMB". It is true that every believer fails time and again, such is free will. Most important thing to remember when we fall, is to get back up and start again. GOD Bless! -Don
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