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Article Title: Mychael Danna: The Film Music Composer Responsible For The Nativity Story
Author of reported comment: Pauline Murphy
Comment Date: 21:48 on Nov 16 2011
Comment: I was just trying to see if 'The Nativity' was showing anywhere near me in the UK for Christmas this year and came across this article. I completely agree with the observation that showings in the UK were 'patchy' (to put it diplomatically) when the film was first released. In Birmingham it was only showing in one cinema I had never heard of, couldn't find its location, and it was only on there for one week or thereabouts. I realised at the time what was happening, but when I got the DVD of the film I could have cried. What a BEAUTIFUL depiction of the Nativity. Bad enough that we couldn't get to see it, but it would have been easier to bear had the film itself been poor to middling. I loved it and would love to have had the opportunity to see it on a big screen.
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