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Article Title: Iona Live At Queens Hall, Edinburgh
Author of reported comment: NIGEL HANMORE
Comment Date: 17:10 on Jun 17 2011
Comment: I just wanted to say that I liked your article.I saw Iona at The Brook in Southampton and loved the gig.I'm in no way a religious person but still absolutely love their music and think that Jo's voice is just the best their is and coupled with Dave's genius it makes them,for me,the most underrated and criminally overlooked band around.The turn out at So'ton was very poor and I just felt really sorry for them considering their combined talent and shear hard work.It makes me sick that all the rubbish that gets shown and played seems to do so well when a real class act like Iona struggle!Anyway,I'm going to see them again in Surrey in October and will be on to the local radio stations (again) to try to get them some airplay and/or an interview,but I won't hold my breath. Once again,great article,sorry to rant on a bit. Cheers, Nigel
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