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Article Title: Driscoll Facing Prison
Author of reported comment: Martha
Comment Date: 06:19 on Dec 25 2010
Comment: Bro. Phil, I was just listening to your cassette, A Simple Song while doing some cleaning and it really lifted my spirit. I am convicned that God gave you the gift of music and each time I hear your songs, I go into worship. I was just telling some friends of mine about your music tonight and I decided to see what's new in your music, when I stumbled on this situation. I will believe God with you. Romans 8:1, also verses 26-39 and Proverbs 26:14. It just shows that we are living in perilous times. don't be discouraged, God will get the glory out of this, because what is meant for evil, God will turn in to good. Hold on to your faith and keep praising and worshipping God because He is our rock and our fortress. God bless and keep you.
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