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Article Title: Hannah Franklin: The Luv Esther girl with a powerful album debut
Author of reported comment: Juliet Dunn
Comment Date: 23:59 on Jul 1 2010
Comment: Herd you share and sing. Wow, what a gift of God you have. Everything you said and song about was for me tonight. Never felt God touch my heart like he did tonight in Doncaster. You ministered to my soul and I so need to here God speak and sing to me through you. Don't think I will ever be the same again. God love me, you showed me tonight. please add me as friend on face book, look at my art work. Just want to bring God the glory. If you can use anything I have done, you are welcome to. I love graphic work and I dont want anything, just to bring glory, God bless you. Juliet
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