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Article Title: Keith Green Biopic
Author of reported comment: Mike
Comment Date: 22:09 on May 21 2010
Comment: I first heard Keith's music in 1982, when I was entering into high school, just weeks before the plane crash. After Keith's death, I immersed myself into all his current albums/tapes (so much that I could still sing them from memory) and this caused in me a greater challenge to live more deeply for Christ. My teen years became filled with listening to nothing but Christian music, and I witnessed the hardest for the Lord at that time. I think God caused Keith's music to be so influencial to my teen years so I would keep out of trouble that so many kids get into. After reading the book "No Compromise" by Melody Green in 1989, I just knew someday a movie on the life of Keith would come about. I'm very happy to see that in the works, and I'll pray so much that it will touch young lives (as his story did mine in those years) and older lives as well. It will be refreshing for me to see Keith Green once again, his great music and testimony about the awesome God we serve touching lives, out in the public eye as a fresh, new, rushing wind, "blowing out the dust within..." - God bless you all! - Your friend in Christ, Mike
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