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Article Title: Clara Oman: A mainstream talent to be watched closely From Now On
Author of reported comment: Steve
Comment Date: 00:46 on Jan 18 2008
Comment: (cont) The track 'No More' proves to be a total delight with Clara cast in surely her best role as she gently reflects at the keyboard. It is undeniably beautiful and truly characterises the performer's wonderful ability of creating absolute intimacy through her touchingly genuine vocals. Clara returns back to 'rock chic' mode on 'Meant To Be', which again lifts the action with another powerful chorus routine before the unquestionable masterpiece of the whole compilation - the mesmeric 'Let You Go (Song For Peter)' - has the performer vainly attempting to extend time before she bids farewell to her beloved departing brother. But Clara comes back with a real bang on 'This Is My Time', spitting total defiance and resolution to the world, while a remix of the opening 'Mother Mary' track finally brings this glorious work to its conclusion. Clara Oman is a simply stunning talent. Time stands absolutely still the moment that she takes to the microphone to perform her wonderfully crafted songs. And while the listener is regularly carried along on her sweeping melodies and beautiful tones, no doubt with their heart strings being stretched to the absolute limit, it is noticeable how she will suddenly change keys and lift the whole sound to a totally different level, somewhere mystical and magical, high above the clouds. I believe they call that place heaven. Be prepared for moments of close reflection and times of real sadness while you accompany the lovely Clara on this memorable journey, but also recognise the immense joy that this wonderful lady instils into the hearts of every person fortunate enough to hear her sing. A real rollercoaster of emotions, 'From Now On' is a total delight from first to last. Stunning. Rating 10/10
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