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Article Title: Beware Of Dogs
Author of reported comment: Karen L. Brahs
Comment Date: 21:22 on Sep 5 2007
Comment: Sorry, Mr. Dilley, but I found your review of Dale Brown's song, "Mahound Dog", to be inaccurate and at the least, offensive to Christians who are fighting the good fight, as I personally know Dale is. Perhaps your "itching ears" want to hear something else? Something a lilttle milder, a little less condemning, or perhaps a little more politcally correct? Persecution comes in various disguises, as you have so eloquently revealed, yet you claim to be a Christian. I would strongly recommend you re-examine your position on what is so evidently occuring around the world in regard to Islam, especially in your own country. "And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not." Malachi 3:18
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