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Article Title: Tree63
Author of reported comment: Andrew Cheshire
Comment Date: 06:54 on Jul 23 2007
Comment: I'm a rock singer, and I feel very stupid--I was like totally under the impression that 63 was the only album... *slap face* But as a singer, I can't listen to music without listening to the quality of the vocals, and I gotta say, though John Ellis is not the BEST singer out there (Bryan Duncan), he is totally my favorite singer! His voice is absolutely incredible, it has such a great sound and it's exactly the same range as mine, so if I were not a poor garage band singer trying to scratch my way through Bible college, I would totally cover all of Tree63's songs I've ever heard... which is, I guess, ten... I only have that one album... I think I'm about to make a rather large investment...
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