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Article Title: A Donut-Shaped Hole?
Author of reported comment: Natalija
Comment Date: 10:51 on Apr 27 2007
Comment: I'm really tired of the constant accusations among the Christians (especially between the Catholics and the Protestants). The truth is, we are suppose to be 'the salt of the earth', but with all the divisions and arguing we became the scandal to all those non-believers. I've come across a really good book (on line) yesterday. It's called 'Evangelical Reunion' by John M. Frame ( I've read the first part of it (5 chapters) and I recomand it to all Christians, no matter what denomination. Here is the thought I find really important: "The difficulty of evaluating these events (the division of the early church) means that today it is difficult, if not impossible, to locate the "one, true church" which Jesus founded in the first century. It would be so nice if we could pick out one denomination today and say, "This is the one." That would be the denomination that had never been guilty of unjustified division from any other body, nor had ever provoked justified division of anyone from itself. No, there is no such beast. All denominations, so far as I can tell, are guilty in some measure, at some point in their history, of schism or of provoking schism, in some degree." And if you want to label me (as Keith wrote in the first comment to this article) I’m a practicing Catholic.
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