Reader Comments
Great, great album! I purchased the vinyl of it in 1982. It was really hard to get in the U.S. as no distributor would touch it, but I managed to get it from Kosher Records (a tiny U.S. import only record company.) Every song on the album is great, not a bad one in the bunch. I heard about the album by reading the newsmagazine published by the U.K. Greenbelt festival; hundreds of copies of these were made available at the U.S. Creation festival. In this newsmagazine was a review of Shots in the Dark, and I just HAD to get it, in whatever way I could...and I did! And now I've obtained a digital copy as well
Laurie Mellor also produced an EP for Just The Job. My copy got damaged in a damp cellar. Does anyone know where I could get another copy? Or how to contact the band.