Steve Scott - Crying For A Vision And Other Essays

Saturday 1st February 1992
Steve Scott - Crying For A Vision And Other Essays
Steve Scott - Crying For A Vision And Other Essays

RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
LABEL: Stride Publications
FORMAT: Book General book

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

I've had a few quite painful aesthetic encounters with brothers who write learned books about the nature of art and the role of the church while also making music, films or whatever. (I still wince when remembering the appallingly pretentious Franky Schaeffer directed movies.) So I approached this book with considerable caution, my elephant memory still recalling Steve Scott's 'Love In The Western World' (Exit Records, 1983) which for me was not the album of genius spurned by a Phillistine CCM industry (that the article in his publisher's press pack would have us believe) but an exercise in rock portentousness. But putting all that aside, this is an intriguing and at times absorbing little book (70 pages) which addresses a lot of important questions for the thoughtful appreciator of culture (namely all of us) to grapple: Questions like 'Is there a relationship between art and spirituality?' and 'How does the story of Jesus relate to the electronic media in these global village times?' are considered. You may not agree with all Steve's conclusions and his thread is so tightly argued it requires slow and careful reading, but I found this a valuable resource in the growing Christian And The Arts section on my bookshelf.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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