John 4:35, 2 Pet 3:12

As I take a moment from the hectic schedule we have here at Rocknations to think about what I should be writing to you about, I feel more like praying for you than writing. As you read these words, know that they stem from my heart of prayer for you.
For months now God has been speaking to me about acceleration. I know so many quality young people and their leaders that are doing everything they can do to see acceleration in their churches and youth ministries.
'Whatever the Cost" is not just a song by our house band RPM it is the cry of our hearts that is finding an echo amongst many in the UK today.
For those of you who don't know Rocknations, we are the yp ministries of ALC Bradford and more recently Abundant Life Belfast.
We are also busy with supporting many churches in our network and many more who aren't through awesome projects like Hope 08.
Did I mention busyness yet? Are you busy like me? At the time of this writing my wife is preaching in North America so I am looking after our two gorgeous children ages 5 and 2 and that in itself keeps me busy. But I am mentioning that to let you know how important it is to prioritise your life for maximising effectiveness. Which raises the question, "how can I help you in this short time we have together today?" I have thought about that carefully and this is my response.
I feel the best way I can help you is to show you what works. Did Jesus say a picture is worth a thousand words? I don't think so, but it's true nonetheless! Ok are you ready? This is an unashamed plug...because I believe when you see what works, growth occurs. You need to see Rocknations 08. Why? Because it can bring accelerated growth to your world. It's the promise of acceleration.
That is a big promise to make. But it's not my promise! It's a promise that God makes to every believer who is putting His word into practice. It's the Promise of Acceleration. Have you ever wanted to accelerate a process that would normally take years? Why is it that even with faster transport, instant communication and hundreds of time saving conveniences we are still not seeing the kind of breakthrough promised to the local church? I believe it's because in recent decades much of the church has been more concerned with holding onto the past rather than reaching and embracing the future. In John 4:35 Jesus explains harvest. In seizing the harvest, acceleration occurs and the future is improved.
To help you experience acceleration some of the leading communicators in the world today are ready to meet with you at RN08. Reinhard Bonnke is a man who is seeing incredible response to the gospel worldwide often seeing more than a million people coming to Christ in a single meeting. Have a look at this!
Matthew Barnett is literally transforming inner city LA by leading the Dream Centre and has inspired hundreds of other Dream Centres around the globe. Ok now have a look at this!
If you have watched that and don't know anything about Rocknations then watch this!
God is up to something and it's BIG! It's reaching through many church networks and various denominations so that we can accomplish 2 Pet 3:12 in our generation. We want to speed the return of Christ. Here is a startling fact. 42% of the 16,257 people groups in the world have still not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have some acceleration to do!
Maybe you are labouring for God in an environment that is hard work for little return. That is why my commitment is to bring you people who aren't just talking about reaching nations but are literally rocking nations by the power of God. If you want to experience dynamic growth then this is an opportunity. It's not the only opportunity, but it's the best one that I can offer you today!
Prayerfully consider this promise of acceleration and how you can receive this promise believing that acceleration will occur in your life and ministry.
God has an awesome plan for your life.